Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Handmade ♥ Hemp: Epic Cool

Green Post Plantable Gift Tags

Stars (10-Marine/Overcast)

Made From Handmade Recycled Paper by GreenPost via Etsy

While browsing for an epic and awesome "Handmade ♥ Hemp" find, I came across one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Now, I have seen the idea of "seeds in paper" in motion before, but never done this wonderfully. These tags are handmade using recycled paper and wildflower seeds and come with attached planting instructions. So what about the hemp? They are threaded with hemp twine! This is probably one of the most perfect items I have ever found. And priced very nice, $7.50 for a set of 10. Check them out here ♥♥♥